Gina Miller, District Superintendent
Gina and her husband, Bruce, serve at St. John UMC in Avon and Hatteras Island, where they have been since 2016. They have two children, Carly and Matthew, daughter-in-law Chloe, and granddaughters Fern and Jane.

Gina graduated from Duke Divinity with her Master of Divinity degree in 2016. Before attending Divinity school, she served at Mount Hermon UMC in Elizabeth City for one year as an Interim Supply. While at Duke Div, she served as a student pastor for four years at Banks UMC in Wilton and one year at Bullocks UMC in Creedmoor. As a Rural Ministry Fellow with the Duke Endowment, her love for the rural church is lived out in Northeast North Carolina with great passion. She is excited to be in ministry with the good folks of the Beacon District!
Besides spending time with family and friends, Gina enjoys time on the water and beach, reading, and comedies.
The joy of the Lord is her strength! (Nehemiah 8:10b)
Ashley Kennedy, Beacon/Sound Administrative Assistant to the DS

Update on Ashley is coming!
Tracey Manigault, District Lay Leader
Tracey and her husband, Arthur, both originally from Queens, NY, currently live in
Elizabeth City, NC and serve at Riverside UMC in Elizabeth City and Spirit & Truth UMC
in Winfall. They have 5 children and 2 grandchildren.

Tracey graduated from Queensborough College and studied at Florida State University. She is a licensed minister and a graduate of the Leadership Fellows Program of the NCCUMC.
Tracey enjoys singing for the Lord weekly as a member of the Praise Team for both congregations.
Extremely honored to be selected for the Lay Leader position, Tracey has a passion for unity in diverse congregations and enjoys worshiping with one another in Christ. Her daily goal is to be obedient and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit!