Choose a church name or a waypoint to find church locations and information.
- All God's Children
- Bath
- Bethany
- Buxton
- Cedar Grove
- City Road
- Colington
- Edenton
- Fair Haven
- First
- First
- Gatesville
- Grace
- Hatteras
- Hebron
- Hebron
- Hertford
- Kittrell
- Kitty Hawk
- Little Grove
- Mackeys
- Moyock
- Mt. Hermon
- Mt. Olivet
- Mt. Zion
- Murfreesboro
- Newbegun
- Newland
- Oak Grove
- Ocracoke
- Parkers
- Philadelphia
- Pilmoor Memorial
- Pleasant Grove
- Plymouth
- Riverside
- Robersonville
- Sharon
- Shiloh
- Spirit & Truth
- St. John
- Wares Chapel
- Wesley Chapel
- Wesley Memorial
- Zion