It was the day for nice things.
For kindnesses.
For deeds that didn’t have to be done, but, they were done.
In kindness.
What he did doesn’t matter, although there are two young men from out of state who don’t have to call their boss and tell him they backed his expensive truck into a ditch and they can’t get it out.
What he did doesn’t matter, although there are upstairs windows caulked and painted that were not before this day.
What they did doesn’t matter, although thanks to them, people who didn’t have food in their pantries this morning now have supplies of fresh produce and meat and canned goods.
But what does matter is that there are people in our little community this evening who feel seen.
Who know their needs matter.
Who know they matter.
With no hope of reward, with no expectation of repayment, deeds done because one man, another man, a handful of volunteers, loved God with all their hearts and minds and souls and strength, and because they chose to love their neighbors as much as they loved themselves.
I feel hope this evening that in spite of all the evil we see around us, there is much that is good and kind and loving in this world of ours.
I feel hope that one day, we’ll look back at our lives here on this earth and realize these little things we did, those kindnesses, those cups of cold water offered in Jesus’s name, are the things that matter.
Those are the things that are eternal.
Those are the deeds that are most Christ-like.
Always choose love.
Photograph by Vickie Woolard