The Lord is my shepherd
So why do I worry?
And why do I carry,
the thoughts that are scary?
I shall not want,
as the prayer goes.
But temptation throws
me into the valley below.
He makes me lie down,
oh how I need to be still.
To follow the will
of the One who fulfills.
In green pastures,
full of potential to thrive.
Waiting for next to arrive,
while celebrating all that is alive.
He leads me beside still waters
that represent peace and tranquility.
Regaining the necessary capacity
to move forward with renewed agility.
He restores my soul,
overwhelming with compassion.
Eternal kindness and redemption,
leading me to exaltation.
He leads me in right paths
away from the wrong turns.
Helping me to discern
what my heart yearns.
For his name’s sake
absolutely not for mine.
The Lord is fully divine,
for today, for tomorrow and for all time.