This is my prayer: that your love might become even more and more rich with knowledge and all kinds of insight. I pray this so that you will be able to decide what really matters and so you will be sincere and blameless on the day of Christ. Philippians 1:9-10
Date night in downtown, reflections on the week.
A place to park, a short walk together.
Hand in hand, there’s nothing better.
Sounds of the street, the height of a steeple,
Anticipation abounds, an awareness of people.
Waiting for the light, nodding to another,
a friendly greeting, as we pass each other.
We arrive at the river, adjust to the darkness,
watching for the boats, scanning before us.
Sensing the moment, to illuminate the night,
and helping the gathered, celebrate the lights.
Twenty-fours earlier, less than a mile away,
gunfire interrupted, lives lost amid the fray.
Anguish and brokenness, conflict and disruption,
“Why, O Lord, why?” all this destruction?
The hurt unimaginable, the loss of three lives,
the pain unbearable, how can we thrive?
We need Paul’s prayer, to speak to us tonight,
to decide what really matters,
and so we will be sincere and blameless
on the day of Christ.
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,
we need you now.
To break into the darkness,
to redeem and restore us,
to support and sustain us,
to lead and love us.
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